Cruise Nurse

By Sara Jenkins Cunningham

“You couldn’t be sure how an intern might turn out; he might be one of those who could think only of serving humanity and would never bother to collect a bill.”

Sheila Dorrance is young and lovely, and after growing up poor in a backwater town, she is determined to use her God-given assets as a passport to wealth and luxury. Surely her new job as ship’s nurse on the pleasure liner Southwind will provide ample opportunity for her to exercise her charms! She’s certainly not going to find much to appeal in Dr. Peter Stowe, who is working alongside her in sickbay, since he’s one of those noble medicos interested in saving humanity instead of rich neurotics, and not likely to make much of a meal for her banquet table.

Sheila soon meets Clay Masters, a suave young man who seems to be the answer to her prayers. Soon he’s escorting her around the Caribbean ports, and she’s dreaming of sparkly diamond rings. But she is also growing to admire Dr. Peter, a sturdy, dependable man who’s even forgiven Sheila her weaknesses because, after all, a good nurse is hard to find. And Sheila is realizing that before her job as cruise nurse is over, she is going to have to decide whether her destiny will be ruled by her head … or her heart!

Susannah Clark